Digital Kaliningrad
On this page you can know a lot of things  but not all of them about Kaliningrad the same as about Koenigsberg.

This page is not reflecting any kind of official points of view, so consiquiently it should be considiered with known part of scepticism, particularly as concerned transport schedules. The Banner Network.
Firms, Organizations, Banks
Location coordinates information
traines, planes, buses schedules.
City Servers
WWW-Servers in Kaliningrad
Events, Exhibitions
Information about the events and exhibitions carrying out in Kaliningrad
Personal Pages
evry person can place his own WWW pages of non-commercial character on our Internet server for free.
26.12.97: Koenigsberg - History pages the most autenthetic Koenigsberg history site in present time

4.9.97: The trip from Kaliningrad to Trakai

9.8.97: Special for our region the weather forecast

20.6.97: Kaliningrad Newspaper Meeting Place

19.6.97: Andrey Pisarevsky - press-conference of Time Mashine musik band in Kaliningrad

18.6.97: second edition of on-line magazine exhiBit. Minicars, Koenigsberg Legends. etc...

16.5.97: first edition of on-line magazine exhiBit.. Exlusive materials, nice interface, lots of pictures.

16.4.97: read Konstantin Comash Review about Fantasy and Sciense Fiction. Those are the opinions about really selling in Kaliningrad books!

16.1.97: Koenigsberg Chronics from Yuri Nushtaev and Denis Artemiev

11.3.97: Literature Pages of local Sciense Fiction Fans

27.2.97: Koenigsberg History

15.1.97: Read the Kaliningrad Musik Review

18.12.96: For the very first time - INOK firm gave the free access to Kaliningrad Region Special Economic Zone "Yantar" lawyer Database.

14.12.96: Take a look at Evgeny Selivanov personal Pages, aspecially to story about Chorlonis pictures.

5.12.96: Bank Baltica WWW Server is open

23.10.96: KSTU (Kaliningrad State Technical University) WWW-Server (Former KTI (Kaliningrad Technical Institute for Fisheries)) was opened.

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