Substantiation and Optimisation
of Trawl Design Parameters

The Programme is meant for calculations in the process of design of rope-net section of pelagic and bottom trawls. The Programme accounts for peculiarities of species behaviour, trawler traction force and general fishing conditions. Design procedure is based on parameters of a prototype gear and ground dynamic parameters.



The Programme is used at pre-design and design stages of construction. It provides the following procedures:


The programme supports an open Data Base of the existing trawls (used as prototypes) and trawl designs, as well as traction values of different trawlers. It provides graphic interface for work with drawings of trawl tailoring. It provides the following calculations:


The programme is run in Windows 3.1 environment and has a friendly interface, meant for engineers. Dialogues for entering data are supplied with the schemes, explaining the essence of required values. The results of calculations are shown on drawings.

Image 1: Entering structural and geometrical parameters of a prototype trawl.

Image 2: Calculation of main trawl parameters, provided by trawler's traction.

Image 3: Calculation of acting forces and position of otter boards and trawl in a specified mode of operation.


Upload the demo version of the program


CAD/CAM Laboratory, Commercial Fisheries Dpt.
of Kaliningrad State Technical University for Fisheries.
Russia, 236000 Kaliningrad , Sovietsky procpect 1,

Phone +7(0112)463818. BBS/Fax +7(0112)465487,
FIDONet 2:478/3 Fishwar BBS.

Konstantin Sokolov


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